drawn hand holding whiskey glass of local manassas whiskey club old town

February 2020 Event

Location: Philadelphia Tavern

Held our first ever brunch-style meeting this time at Philly Tavern. We tried a few different types of the High West Brand including a wonderful Whiskey bloody Mary made with their Campfire Whiskey. Great backstory and information on High West by Tim Seelen, the Club’s Whiskey Specialist.

OTWC logo in black and tan for the manassas old town whiskey club
Featured Tastings

High West
Double Rye

Proof: 92
Aged: 2-7 years

Aroma: B+ 
Taste: A-  
Finish: A 
Overall Grade: A- 

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High West
American Prairie Bourbon

Proof: 92
Aged: 2-13 years

Aroma: A- 
Taste: A  
Finish: A+  
Overall Grade: A 

Visit Website

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Most Recent Tastings

Sexton – Irish Whiskey


Proper Twelve – Irish Whiskey


Bushmills – Irish Whiskey